
In September, I released my first book, “Waiting for Jedidiah: How To Experience God’s Healing After A Miscarriage”.

In a two-year period, I miscarried five pre-born babies. The emotional agony I experienced was unfathomable. God designed a woman’s womb to be a haven of life and yet my uterus became a death chamber for my children. How was I supposed to process the range of emotions with each tragedy? How could I express to others or even God the depth of my anguish? Although I was surrounded by caring friends and family, no one seemed to understand my pain. I grieved in silence—alone—for the babies I would never hold.

This is the book I needed during those difficult years.

I was driven to write this book because of the pain I experienced. I understand the dark fear in the pit of despair that makes you question whether you’ll have the strength to crawl out of the deep well of gut-wrenching grief. Throughout the book, I share how God lifted me from the trenches of devastation, filled me with hope, and revealed His faithfulness. The reader is invited to real life details, raw emotions and experiences of my five miscarriages. Things I’ve only shared with a few close friends. The reader will also learn how to apply the spiritual lessons I learned in the shadow of death. As the reader walks with me on this sacred pathway, we’ll grieve the loss of our precious children and discover God’s endless love, provision, and healing for His beloved daughters. Together, we will fix our eyes on Him.

Waiting for Jedidiah chronicles the relationship between a faithful God and a woman who was desperately broken after the loss of her unborn babies. Each chapter will flood the reader’s soul with hope as she learns to grieve at the Cross and draw on God’s strength. She’ll discover how to connect to God, experience intimacy with Him, and allow Him to nourish her soul when her heart is broken. On the other side of the sadness and pain she’ll encounter healing, wholeness, and an unshakeable faith in Jesus Christ.

Purchase your copy on Amazon.